My Farmville Today

My Farmville Today

Thursday, June 30, 2011

My no till cardboard gardening method

Hey if you don't want to till a big garden or you want to relandscape an area where there is existing grass, why not try my no till cardboard gardening method.  So you start with a boat load of cardboard...flatten it out and lay it all over the joint.  Where ever you want to have a garden or a landscaped area.  Then wet it down....Cover it with dirt (I actually have a pick up truck so I get it by the truck load) but nonetheless, figure out how to get enough dirt/manure/compost to cover the area at least six inches tall.  Then after the card board gets wet enough, you can poke holes into and start planting.  Over time (like one growing season), this card board will decompose and you'll never know it is there.

Or another way is to get boxes like you see below and fill them with dirt and place them on the ground,,,I actually did this with plants I brought from my old house to my new house.  I placed the transplanted plants into these boxes and then filled in with dirt around the boxes and covering the boxes to make a raised landscaped bed.  You can see the pictures at the bottom, this is what it looked like at the end of one season.
This year it looks even more amazing.

1 comment:

  1. sweet. reposted @
