My Farmville Today

My Farmville Today

Thursday, June 30, 2011

My Garden Art

My interpretation of cucumbers
Last year, during the winter months, when Farmville is sleeping...I started painting what I call "Garden Art".  I paint vegetables, fruit, flowers things that relate to Farmville.  My plan is to go to the Art Festival one day and sell these paintings (along with my canned pickles and my new idea of selling Zinnia Seeds in little canning glass jars).  I am up to 28 paintings and will continue to paint once Farmville is dead this fall.  I found some old barn wood and made these frames.  Everything is polyuerthaned so that they can weather....And as you can see these are looking good even after all the rain we have had....I will post the other paintings soon....

These have been hanging outside for three months and weathering good

Up to 28 paintings

I work on four at a time

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