My Farmville Today

My Farmville Today

Monday, June 13, 2011

One of my phobias

Everyone has something that freaks them out.  For me it is bobby pins.  If I see one, i go nuts.  I think this stems from when I was a kid at the pool.  You would always see them in the girls locker room on the floor all wet and rusty.  I mean totally grosses me out.  Or on people's bathroom sink.  Or in girl's cars in the soda holes.

I mean this is a real problem for me.  Like spiders are for some people.  I mean if I see one in my house, I literally have to take a tissue and scoop it up and then i run as fast as I can outside and throw it in the grass.  I can't throw it in a trash can, because I know its there.

At work, i have discussed this phobia about bobby pins with my co-workers.  One of my friends, Heather, told me about her obsession with spiders.  Okay that's a pretty ordinary phobia.  So at lunch I went out and bought plastic spiders to place around her cube to freak her out.  When i went to her cube to "plant" the spiders, I noticed a half eaten Subway sandwich on her desk.  Well i saw the perfect opportunity to really freak her out.  So i put one of the plastic spiders in her sandwich and another in her potato chip bag.  Then i waited.  When she returned to her desk, i heard her scream and the sandwich went flying across the hall.  She was hypervenilating.  It was hysterical.  Then after she calmed herself down, she returned to her cube to grab a chip.  It happened again.  She was beside herself.  We all got a pretty good laugh.

But the next day, after lunch, i came back to my cube and there were Bobby Pins all over the place.  On my phone, under my chair, clipped to my pictures.  It was terrible.  They kept appearing all day.  It was one of the worst days I can remember.  I guess I deserved it.

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